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- Outrageous Faith part 1 of 2
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- God’s compassion lessons from the life of Jonah part 2 of 2
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- We Can Trust His Word
- Outrageous Faith part 2 of 2
- Refocusing Our Choice in Jesus
- Pass the salt, please
- Worship God as Creator
- God doesn't hold grudges
- Whose Son is He?
- Anchored in Christ
- We Must Obey His Word
- Rightly Interpreting God’s Word
- The Protestant Reformation
- Who is responsible?
- How to spot a Christian
- God's Word Guides Us
- Who Is The Holy Spirit
- The Exam
- The Truth about Angels part 1
- The Role of the Holy Spirit
- The Truth About Angels part 2
- The Difference A Baby Makes
- Seasons Greetings
- Start the new year with the Lord
- Who Are We
- Reaching a Changing World with God's Unchanging Word
- Ordination Service for Pastor Trey Sharp
- The role of the Holy Spirit - Part 2
- Think like Eagles
- The Everlasting Father
- 63 Words
- I Want To Be A Mirror
- The Incredible Power Of Prayer
- The First Words of Jesus on the Cross: A Prayer of Forgiveness
- The word on the street
- On being a Christian
- The Second Word From The Cross: A Promise of Redemption
- God Doesn’t Hold Grudges
- The Third Word From The Cross: A Provision For Mary
- Don't be fooled!
- Prayer Changes Things part 1 of 2
- Prayer Changes Things Part 2 of 2
- A Cry of Suffering
- The Power Sin & Life’s Twofold Results
- A Cry of Victory
- Caught in Adultery (replay Ks-Ne campmeeting June 1st, 2019)
- While you wait
- Breaking the chains of bitterness
- Nothing
- The Miracles of Jesus
- A Cry of Contentment
- The Miracles of Jesus Part 2 of 5
- A Ransom: But To Whom Was it Paid
- Discovering my purpose
- Simon's House
- The Miracles of Jesus - Part 3 of 5
- Lost and Found
- The Miracles of Jesus - Part 4 of 5
- The Lord’s Prayer Part 1 of 4
- The Miracles of Jesus - Part 5 of 5
- The Lord's Prayer - Part 2 of 4
- He Gave - We Give
- The Lord's Prayer - Part 3 of 4
- A date with God Part 1 of 2
- The Lord’s Prayer Part 4 of 4
- A Date with God Part 2 of 2
- First the Bad News
- God's grace is extended to each one of us
- Faith
- Experiencing God's Power
- Escape From Iraq
- Experiencing God's Presence
- Are You the Who is to come?
- Where is your faith
- When Angels Speak to Us
- How would you introduce Jesus?
- Duty vs Devotion
- Saved By The Light
- Dangers of Comfortable Christianity
- An Invitation that Went Astray
- The Dangers of Comfortable Christianity Part 2
- The Woman at the Well
- Aha! I See it Now
- The Dangers of Comfortable Christianity” Part 3
- COVID-19 Message from Pastor Trey
- The Best Coronavirus prevention with Doug Batchelor and Dr. Neil Nedley
- Seeing God
- God Needs You
- Luke 5
- The Big Rocks
- Treasure Hunt
- ReNewed Hope
- The Empty Tomb
- Uplifting message by Pastor Trey
- Radical Change
- Radical Change Part 2
- Radical Change part3
- Radical Change part 4
- Who is behind this?
- The Reluctant Warrior
- Madagascar Missions Emphasis
- Care for Cuba - Vespers
- Wings like a Dove
- Lessons from the life of Jonah
- The Taming of the Tongue
- 4 Spiritual exercises that will change your life part 1
- Hate
- Four Spiritual Exercises that will change your life Part 2 "Abiding in God's Word"
- The World's Most Extraordinary Club
- Four Spiritual Exercises that will change your life Part 3 "Worshipping Together"
- The Law of Unintended Consequences
- Four Spiritual Exercises that will change your life Part 4
- The Art of Impersonation
- Messages of Faith
- Failure, Fear & Faith
- The Greatest Desire of the Christian
- Messages of Faith Part 2 of 2
- Resurrection: Message from an Empty Tomb
- Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
- Resurrection: Reality at the Empty Tomb
- The Protestant Reformation
- Nehemiah's request
- Jesus...acquaintance or friend?
- The battle is the Lord's
- Healing at the Tomb
- Peter, Prison and Prayer
- Courage, In the Face of Discouragement
- There's room at the Manger
- Jesus and God
- A Year of Chaos - A Season of Hope
- Burn the Ships
- A New Beginning for a New Year
- What Was Left Behind in the Empty Tomb?
- God's grace in a wage-filled world
- Jesus and Our Adoption
- The days of Noah
- By Grace Alone
- Christ: The Temptations
- YOU give them something to eat
- Christ: A Threefold Identity
- A Tour of Heaven
- The Mystery of Death Resolved
- The Ever Rising Kingdom of God
- Why I Believe in The Resurrection
- Smudges, Grudges and Judges
- The Mystery of Immortality Unveiled
- When you really need God to show up
- The Mystery of Hell Extinguished
- Let This Mind Be In You
- The Mystery of Two Resurrections Resolved
- The Scent of the Gospel
- Gaining power over satan
- Walking in Absolute Hope
- The Woman at the Well
- How to Have an Effective Prayer Life
- No mess, no message
- The Door Love Has Opened
- The Importance of Sabbath
- Jesus the Lifegiver
- Jesus: His Uniqueness
- Jesus: His Name
- Jesus: Our Security
- "The Ransom of the World and the Price Paid For It"
- Jesus the Undefeated
- "Lesson of Love"
- Being Thankful For the Right Reason
- God's Grace for the Human Race
- Mary
- James, Swift to Hear
- Gratitude for the Greatest Gift
- Miracles for a Mission
- He Knows and Cares For You
- Battle over the Bible
- Chaos and Order
- Joseph
- Massive Mistake to a Mighty Message
- A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
- The Rapture vs The Return
- Salvation: Present Assurance
- Why Do We Need Disciple-Making Churches in the End Times?
- Advancing the Kingdom of God
- Transforming Churches into Discipleship-driven Churches
- Salvation: Present Justification
- When the Saviour Said "Stop"
- Salvation: Present Sainthood
- Ed Wagner
- God and My Righteousness
- James 4 – Slow to Wrath
- "Sign of Shalom: The 'Way' of the Sabbath"
- “A High Sabbath”
- Will the real Jesus please stand up
- Lift up the Trumpets
- The Divine Spark: The Missing Power
- The Answered Question
- The Unrestricted God
- A Praying Church
- Living Loyally for the Lord
- A Dirty Trail
- Communion is Remedial
- The Greatest Gift
- Do You Love Me? - The Cost of Following Jesus
- Life in the Crucible
- What is of Most Value
- What Is Your Name? - Finding True Identity In Christ
- Devine Communication in Revelation
- "That Sinking Feeling - Learning to Trust God in Trouble Times"
- Spirit, Body & Soul
- Communion is Reformed
- Silver & Gold I Do Not Have, But I Do Have Something
- 1st. Angel's Message: The Good News About God & Us
- 2nd Angel’s Message: Babylon and Christ
- Loving the Unlovable - God's Unfathomable Love
- Third Angel’s Message: Rest or No Rest
- generous lives
- The LORD, He Is GOD! The LORD, He Is God!
- I’ll have, what’s the cost
- Feb by Ravens - Learning to Trust God in Times of Need
- The Savior Has Been Born, He Is the Messiah, the Lord
- The Workshop
- Mouth to Mouth, Eyes to Eyes, and Hands to Hands - Elisha Raises the Shunammite's Son
- The Wonder of Christmas
- Helping Hands
- Made to Soar
- Bring Me Another Vessel - Faith That Produces God's Blessings
- Caring Hearts
- I Was Lost, But Now I’m Found – Our Father’s Amazing Grace
- Open Doors
- Reverence for that Which is Holy
- Rule Breakers
- Being Purified to Feed
- Faith or Folly
- Lessons Learned From a Beagle
- How's your GPS working?
- Christ’s Sacrifice, Voluntary Submission
- Noah's Ark: A picture of Salvation
- He Is Not Here. He Has Risen!
- When Life is Unfair
- The Mystery of God
- Good God, Bad World, why?
- Foot Steps in Heaven
- Tears in the Eyes of Jesus
- The Sin God Cannot Forgive
- Why Jesus?
- What's In It For Me?
- The Old Covenant vs. The New
- Sabbath School
- Noah's Ark: A Picture of Salvation (part 2)
- The Spirit Within Me
- While We Wait
- Only Sinners Need Apply
- Are You Born Again?
- Revelation: The Book of Conquering Christ
- Sowing Good Seeds-Father’s Day
- The Little Things That Matter The Most
- The Friend of Sinners
- God’s Institution: “The Sabbath” Part 1
- Forgiving the Unforgivable
- Walking With God
- Staying Faithful In A Faithless World
- Revelation: The Conquest of the Conquering Christ.
- The Dreams of Joseph
- Living With A Limp
- Jesus' 1st Miracle, Water Turned to Wine
- Plan of Salvation
- The Beatitudes of a Conquering Christ”
- Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- The Triumph’s of the Conquering Christ
- High Time
- Never Thirst Again With the Living Water
- How to be weird enough for Jesus
- A Nobleman's Son Healed - Faith That Heals
- God's Faithfulness
- Get Up! Pick Up Your Mat and Walk
- The Wind Came
- Praise and Worship
- Chords That Cannot Be Broken
- Feeding the 5000 With 5 Barley Loaves and 2 Small Fish
- The Hymns of Our Hearts
- The Power of Prayer
- Practical Tips for Powerful Prayer
- Walking with Jesus on the Water
- Forgiveness and Forgetting
- The Bread of Life
- Regret to Restoration
- Lifting Up the Cross of Jesus
- Through God's Eyes
- Jesus Strong and Kind
- Forgiveness: An Unnatural Act
- David: From Royalty to Ruin
- Calvery: The Glory of the Cross
- The Problem and Solution to Sin
- Know Your Enemy
- Trouble Checklist
- While We Wait
- My Own Heart
- A Walk to Remember
- It's Who You Know
- The Bride of Christ
- No Greater Love
- Washed
- Roots
- Sowing Good Seeds-Father’s Day
- Neutralizing The Enemy
- Dependence Day
- The Least Of These
- From One Extreme to Another
- God’s Faithfulness
- What's Your Excuse?
- It’s Beginning to Rain
- Going For the Gold
- The Wedding in Cana
- Jesus Prays For Us
- Where Is Your Treasure
- Guarding The Treasure
- Desperate or Doomed
- The Center of Adventism
- Peasants, Prophets, and Patience
- Rest Or No Rest
- Eclipsing Joy
- Camels & Gnats
- Malady of Murmuring
- Who Are You?
- The Lord's Supper
- The Greatest Desire of the Christian
- Mirror, Mirror
- What are we waiting for?
- Does the Bible Say We Have Guardian Angels or Angels
- Not What They Were Expecting
- The Lamb of God
- "Following the Star: The Wise Men's Quest for Jesus"
- Can You Hear Me Now?
- Life’s Most Important Question
- The Forfeiture of Champions
- Finding Happiness: Faith, Family, and Fun (Work!)
- Redirecting Your Life
- Living Life Abundantly
- Returned After Departure
- Sabbath in Eternity
- The Church Who Died and Lived Again
- As I Have Loved You
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